NTFS with Powershell

Powershell offers two cmdlets to administer NTFS permissions of files and folders. get-acl and set-acl. Scant cmdlets for all the work of a SysAdmin. Raimund AndrĂ©e bring us NTFSSecurity a powershell module you can find in codeplex.
Moreover since version 3.0 of the module, he has implemented the solution of AlphaFS to the problem of Windows with long paths (MAX_PATH limit of 260 characters).
Here you have a script that traverse all subfolders of a given path and finds inheritance blocks and lists explicit permissions.

Function logging($msg,$color)
$logfile=($laruta -replace ("[\\/:*?<>|]","_")) + "_security.csv"
if ($color -eq $null){$color="white"}
write-host $msg -fore $color
out-file $logfile -input $msg -append
Function leer-acl($ruta)
TRY{$acl=get-access $ruta -excludeinherited -ErrorAction stop
 if ($acl -ne $null)
 logging "Explicit Permisions  $ruta" "magenta"
  if ($_.isinherited -eq $false){logging "$($_.account.accountname) $($_.accesscontroltype) $($_.accessrights) $ruta"}
  }#fin ACL
 }#fin if ACL null
} #try -excludeinherited
 logging "No se puede acceder  $ruta" "red"
}#fin del catch
}#fin function leer-acl
import-module .\NTFSSecurity
if ($args[0] -eq $null)
$laruta=read-host "Path to check NTFS permissions?"

leer-acl $laruta
TRY{$carpetas=dir2 $laruta -recurse|?{$_.Attributes -eq "Directory"} -ErrorAction stop}
CATCH{logging "Acceso Denegado  $ruta" "red"}
foreach ($carpeta in $carpetas)
write-host "." -nonewline
leer-acl $carpeta.fullname
$intTimeInterval_H = [int32]($fin - $inicio).hours
$intTimeInterval_M = [int32]($fin - $inicio).minutes
logging "hora inicio: $inicio"
logging "hora fin: $fin"
logging "The process has last $intTimeInterval_H hours and $intTimeInterval_M minutes"
